Przedsiębiorstwo Zbożowo-Młynarskie "PZZ" w Stoisławiu S.A.
Stoisław 11, 76-031 Mścice
NIP 669-050-21-87 REGON 000051109
Sąd Rejonowy w Koszalinie, IX Wydział KRS Nr 0000306013; Kapitał Zakładowy 35.000.000,00 zł, Kapitał wpłacony 35.000.000,00 zł
Head Office tel. +48 94 34 55 900 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secretariat tel. +48 94 34 55 940 sklep online:
fax +48 94 34 55 992
Product sales:
Director of Commercial and Logistics:
Emil Białek
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Acting Head of the Commercial and Transportation Department:
Liliana Makowiecka
tel. +48 94 34-55-936;
tel. kom. 601 977 635;
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Bran and feed middlings:
Małgorzata Kamińska
tel. +48 94 34-55-932;
tel. kom. 609 482 667;
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Paweł Stefaniak
tel. +48 94 34-55-901;
tel. kom. 607 608 390
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Flours, groats, flakes, bran food retail:
Roman Ignasiak
tel. +48 94 34-55-928;
tel. kom. 601 315 875;
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Bakery flours and other grain preparations bagged and bulk:
Anna Musiał Ewa Obertowska-Szor
tel. +48 94 34-55-924; tel. +48 94 34-55-930;
tel. kom. 693 540 208; tel. kom. 603 658 553;
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Export Specialist:
Justyna Wojtowicz
tel. +48 94 34-55-925;
tel. kom. 601 743 890;
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Cereal purchase:
Deputy Director of Raw Materials: Sławomir Laskowski tel. +48 94 34-55-909; tel. kom. 601 550 058; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Head of Raw Materials Department: Małgorzata Kamińska tel. +48 94 34 55 932; tel. kom. 609 482 667; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Raw Material Specialist: Kamil Wachowicz tel. +48 94 34 55 905 tel. kom. 607 547 103; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.